Time is precious!

We are too busy, trying to squeeze more and more activities into every day. Consequently, we fail to savor, to enjoy the sources of the ultimate currency that may be all around us— whether it is our work, a class, a piece of music, the landscape, or our relationships.

What can we do, then, to enjoy our lives more despite the fast-paced rat-race environment so many of us live in? The answer contains both good news and bad. The bad news is that, unfortunately, there are no magic bullets. We must simplify our lives; we must slow down. The good news is that simplifying our lives, doing less rather than more, does not have to come at the expense of success.

  1. Gather your family in a circle.
  2. You will need pens and paper.
  3. Write down the activities you were engaged in over the past week or two. Looking at the list, answer the following questions:

-Where can I simplify?

-What can I give up?

– Am I spending too much time on the Internet or watching TV?

-Am I saying yes to activities to which I can say no?

-Am I saying no to activities for which I should say no?

After everyone is done, share it among the family. Commit to reducing the busy-ness in your life. In addition, find time to dedicate yourself on a regular basis, fully and with undivided attention, to things you find both meaningful and pleasurable: spending time with your family, gardening, focusing on a project at work, meditating, watching a film, and so on.

Worth a shot, isn’t it?

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