The mind and body connect

Here’s the biggest and most important reason to teach our children (and definitely, ourselves too!) to use the mind-body connection.

When children understand that their thoughts directly influence their bodies, they will behave differently throughout childhood and as they grow.

By understanding the difference between what’s best for their mind-body and what outside influences are directing them to do, they will be empowered, competent, and aware of the results of their choices on their well-being.

While this is an ongoing practice, there can always be a start. And this start can be in the form of a simple activity. All you need is a glass and water filled up to the brim (Almost ready to spill level).

Note: we’ll need one adult to anchor this session) So, let’s begin –

  • The rule is very simple. You need to carry the glass filled with water across the room to another person who then carries it to another person and so on and all through the process, being mindful to not spill even a drop of water.
  • (It’s ok if it spills, just refill again and continue)
  • Meanwhile, the anchor makes some noise at random – like dropping a spoon or a clap or shifting places in the room. Make it look natural and not deliberate.
  • Once you are done playing, have a quick discussion on who noticed the clap, how many times you clapped, or the noise of the spoon.
  • Towards the end, have a quick chat on how our body reacts when our mind is focused on a single task vs. when it wanders.

Try it out and let us know how that felt!

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