

Be honest! What would your list of answers include?


Here’s the biggest and most important reason to teach our children (and definitely, ourselves too!) to use the mind-body connection.


Boredom is a phenomenon easier to describe than define. Read on to know more...


There are infinite number of reasons why family is the best thing in life. How about listing your favourites?


Remember the game ‘Never have I ever’? We’re bringing this back today – so how does it fit in with emotional well-being?


Yes, sharing is caring. But forcing children to share will only build resentment. Read on to know more...


Maybe towards the end of the day, spend a few minutes reflecting on what stood out for you – valuable insights guaranteed!


One of the most popular strategies applied by parents to encourage discipline in children is ‘Distraction’. Experts argue that distraction is a bad idea, although it works successfully.


Alert! This is a very interesting and highly addictive game. We bet you can't sop once you start it!


So you think you have answers to all the questions? If yes, then time to test it, and that too with funny and silly questions.


Behaviorists, in psychology firmly opine that: Children behave the way they behave for two main reasons: Either to avoid something OR to gain something.


How long can we listen to…"I don’t like this. This is yucky. I won’t eat that."?


Did you know? Even before we all learned to talk, we were beginning to build an emotional vocabulary?


Here's is why we should stop telling our children to 'Calm down', immediately!


What do you think your child would do if they could become invisible even for a day? Find out for yourself! 🙂

Family activities

The mind and body connect

Here’s the biggest and most important reason to teach our children (and definitely, ourselves too!) to use the mind-body connection.

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Family activities

Never Have I Ever!

Remember the game ‘Never have I ever’? We’re bringing this back today – so how does it fit in with emotional well-being?

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Family activities

I become you!

Maybe towards the end of the day, spend a few minutes reflecting on what stood out for you – valuable insights guaranteed!

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Connect with your child

What is your choice?

Alert! This is a very interesting and highly addictive game. We bet you can’t sop once you start it!

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Family activities

A.M.A or Ask me anything!

So you think you have answers to all the questions? If yes, then time to test it, and that too with funny and silly questions.

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Family activities

Guess that emotion!

Did you know? Even before we all learned to talk, we were beginning to build an emotional vocabulary?

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