Let just children be!- Embracing Childhoods.

Being a baby is hard. Their survival spirits are high. The fear of uncertainty is profound. Furthermore, being a child is also very tricky. The little phases of change, transition, movement, and development are overwhelming for them as little humans.

Childhood is a precious and fleeting stage of life, filled with innocence, wonder, and boundless curiosity. It is a time when children are constantly exploring, learning, and discovering the world around them. The purest form of every emotion, thought, opinion, and behavior could be observed in children. As children evolve, the nature and number of influences grow and possibly affect the way children speak, think, and act. The subtlety with which children approach life is worth observing, learning, and imbibing.

We, as adults, primary caretakers, and as parents have an important job to do- the job is to ‘respect them as individual beings!’

As adults, we have a profound responsibility to create a nurturing environment that respects and celebrates the unique essence of each child. Embracing childhood means recognizing and appreciating their individuality, encouraging their natural development, and fostering an atmosphere where their authentic selves can thrive.

For children, the world is a drama! They are the lead protagonists and others are the distinct characters that are the background of the show of life. They quietly observe, privately analyze, independently think and smartly imbibe everything that the world shows and throws at them. 

Every human behavior, movement, and gesture is an important piece of information for children. These everyday pieces of information turn into experiences. They are further categorized and attached to as pleasant and unpleasant. It is obvious to understand that pleasant experiences enrich their life as children and then as adults.
In order to let children evolve freely, the following are the three major responsibilities of the world:

1. Just good words!-
To treat them with respect
Respecting children is the most important gesture. To ensure everybody around them chooses kind words, treat them the way one treats adults or elders around them. Respect is to be shown in order to be earned. Children learn to respect once they feel they are being considered. To show respect for their words, actions, opinions, needs and wants. Children who feel respect grow up to be confident and independent individuals. They adjust well socially. 

Respecting children for who they are and what they do is of utmost importance. It involves acknowledging their thoughts, opinions, feelings, and desires as valid and valuable. When we listen attentively to their ideas, engage in meaningful conversations, and genuinely consider their perspectives, we validate their sense of self-worth and foster their confidence in expressing themselves.

2. A rising star!-
To acknowledge their individuality
It is of utmost importance that children be known for their individual existence. It is important to accept and respect their unique construct. Although they are a part of one common system, they exhibit unique responses to every situation. No child could think, act or feel the same as others. Similarly, every child grows at a different pace. It could be unfair to measure them with one common scale!

it is essential to encourage children’s natural development. Each child has their own strengths, talents, and interests. By observing and understanding their inclinations, we can provide them with opportunities to explore and develop these abilities. Whether it’s a passion for art, music, sports, or science, supporting their interests allows them to discover their potential and develop a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

3. A right to a happy place!-
To ensure a healthy environment
It is a basic right for a child to thrive in a healthy, non-toxic and loving environment. What they could need is access to simple opportunities. To be able to choose, to be able to share, to be able to opine, and to be able to grow. Irrespective of the economic capacities, good words, a safe environment, and an environment where they receive support from their loved ones is what a nurturing environment could be, rather than fancy toys or vacations!

Creating an atmosphere where children can thrive requires providing them with the space and freedom to express their authentic selves. This means letting go of preconceived notions and expectations and encouraging their autonomy. Allowing them to make decisions, even if they stumble along the way, helps build their problem-solving skills, resilience, and independence.

The needs of a child are basic, adults are likely to complicate them. 

If children are respected for who they are, they will love being in their own skin.
If children receive respect, they are likely to see the world differently and form meaningful bonds.
Finally, if children are just allowed to be, they will blossom in their own unique ways, all we have to do is wait, watch, and admire.

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