Kindness matters!

Children are innately considerate and kind. For example, When they see some stray pups on the street they instantly want to feed them biscuits. Maybe they start off because of curiosity, or for getting a little praise. However, as they begin to anticipate the needs of others, it becomes intrinsically rewarding and emotionally satisfying to do nice things for people in their lives

Bottom line: Kids want to be kind.

And as parents, it’s our job to nurture and guide a child’s natural inclination so that it becomes a lifelong habit.

Make kindness a family affair – you can begin by this simple activity (gather around in a circle, of course)

  • Think about a time when someone was kind to you.
  • Take turns to share it with everyone
  • Think of a time when you’ve shown kindness towards someone.
  • It could be towards either your own family member or someone else.
  • Take turns to share this with everyone
  • Get a chart paper (or any paper) and sketch out a few ideas on how you all could show kindness more frequently – put it up at home, and let everyone see it!

Go for it!

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