
As a child, our key strengths were joy, innocence, and wonder.

Why? Because we had the power to imagine – anything can happen, anything is possible. Then, as we acquire knowledge and ‘experience’, our ability to imagine gives way to rationale, evidence, and analysis (which is also much needed, perhaps in a healthier ratio)

A child’s ability to imagine is crucial to the development of how he/she will interact with the world, and also their relationship and decision-making skills.

Today, we’re going to bring the power of imagination back into our homes with this simple activity:

  • Gather around in a circle as usual
  • Pick a question to ponder upon – totally imaginary (leave the science out for a while).
  • For example, “What would you do if you had the power to become invisible?
  • ”Using this question, everyone creates a story – writing or sketching the story is a great way to bring this to life. Toddlers are welcome to just narrate/talk about their story

Put up your story/artwork around the house – who knows, this may even become the next fiction best-seller!

Go ahead, and let your imagination run free!!

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