Igniting minds-The power of motivation. 

If you dig deeper, you could reach the mighty brain mass and cell filled, you might find the sparkling neurotransmitters passing on interesting messages from one end to another making us alert and stimulating learning in milliseconds, way faster than a formula one racing car! Further, hormones play an important role to add some drama to the brain.

For motivation, Dopamine is necessary. Dopamine is a complex neurotransmitter although it plays an important role in motivation, it may also be a factor for varied mental health issues. The crux of everything in our system is the factor of moderation, how the body functions towards external and internal stimuli, and the way everything we see, think or feel is processed by our body, mind, and soul.
Children are naturally curious. They are permanent researchers trying to understand the cause-and-effect relationship of everything around them. They would drop the toy on the floor to know what happens? They could repeat a funny activity such as blowing the bubbles to know what happens next? They could repetitively switch the buttons on-off to understand the association. Or they could simply repeat an activity they are instructed ‘not to do so’ to know how the parents will react? These small acts are research hypotheses, to understand the world about them through small everyday experiments. The core of these attempts is curiosity, a zeal to learn, to explore, and simply a joy! Parallely, while children are engaged in these tiny yet path-breaking discoveries, they are intrinsically motivated.

Psychologists consider motivation in two forms. When children are engaged in activities where they have their personal interest or intent, they are intrinsically motivated. Motivation is innate and arises from within irrespective of external factors.

Whereas, extrinsic motivation as you can easily make out, is the motivation, or energy that is extrinsically installed, and provided to pursue a goal. Mostly driven by rewards, recognitions, etc.
The natural curiosity, the kind of motivation, a desire to explore which is borne by children, can either be encouraged or suppressed. As individuals in multiple roles as parents and/or caregivers whatever we choose has its own significant impact.
If a parent chooses to apply promising, healthy approaches to motivating children, it would promote positive outcomes.

Here are 5 incredible ways to get the ball rolling:

1. Watch for cues, and follow the lead.
Young children are naturally curious and inclined towards creative objects, acts, or experiences. With time, if you observe, you could identify the things they are attracted to, and you might find opportunities through these leads. That could motivate them to dive more toward subjects of interest.
Take-home message: Your responses decide whether to take that single leap of faith. Even an eagle needs a push!

2. Play is a big deal!
Free play is the biggest catalyst to ignite minds, encourage learning and appreciate novelty around us. Through play, parents could motivate children to experiment, analyze, and understand cause and effect and most importantly encourage the need to laugh, smile, and find joy. During play, children are intrinsically motivated, where learning is multifold. Self-learning in play is at its peak.
Take-home message: Playing with spoons, buttons or trays is serious learning.

3. Generate curiosity.
Take some time out to address their questions. Do not be surprised if they come up with ‘out of the box’ questions. They could be as curious as Sherlock Holmes, every single moment. Exposing them to newer experiences is important. Save yourself from pricey toys, instead invest in meaningful conversations and activities that would spark learning. Toys act as facilitators in learning, they could never teach things by themselves.
Take-home message: Be available, and try to answer the questions. Maintain eye contact when you speak to them. Be genuinely interested in the question, ‘Does the moon have a light inside? How does it glow? etc.

4. Challenge!
To motivate children, gain confidence and encourage learning it is important to establish achievable goals. As they progress towards achievement, the difficulty level could be gradually increased to avoid monotony, lack of interest, and motivation. The mind is tricky, it seeks consistency, and newness all at the same time. It is difficult to keep the ball rolling, as you cannot predict when the boredom will hit. Hence, it is vital to understand the length of motivation, the chosen task, and the degree of motivation. Overestimated challenges are discouraging and may impact the innate desire to approach tasks or novel experiences.
Take-home message: One level at a time. Strictly avoid unrealistic expectations. Always praise the process more than the outcome. For example, “This reward is for how you persistently every day tried to complete this painting bit by bit.”

5. Give authority.
The power is truly within. Children seek autonomy, independence, and the desire to do all by themselves. This trait provides a liberating and powerful experience. As parents it is important to allow them to make choices, fall, stumble, learn and progress. Your job could be parallelly being available for support and guidance. It is important to teach them to “Ask for help when required”.
Take-home message: It is important to respect and treat them as independent individuals. Let them be in their space, sit back and observe. be available for support. Always ask if they need help. Avoid assumptions, and refrain from underestimating the little toes and fingers.

Motivation, appreciation, and healthy rewards are the characters of the same story. With adolescents, motivation functions differently. The first step is to build strong connections with meaningful interactions and active communication. For the older ones, it is largely the power of role modeling and consistency.
Motivated children learn better, and a healthy environment fosters learning.

A message for parents: Parenting is an ardent task. There could be gray days where you could lose the momentum to keep up the spirits and motivate yourself and your children. It is important to address limitations and burnout. Take breaks, follow your pursuits, communicate and seek help to rejuvenate and ignite the minds of young children and yours!


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