I become you!

Remember when we all played ‘Chor-Police’ (cops and robbers)? Remember how it felt as kids?

Have you seen kids pretend play?

Doesn’t it seem like it’s completely chaotic, yet it has some structure?

While pretend playing or role-playing is encouraged for children, we think this is much needed for adults – would you agree that pretend play…

  • Encourages creativity and imagination
  • Improves communication, assertiveness, and negotiation
  • Develops thinking and problem-solving skills Last but not least, develops empathy.

All of the above – for children and adults alike! So how about some pretend play for today – here are some ideas:

  • Do a role reversal – let the child become the parent and the other way around
  • Take a classroom situation and let the child play the role of teacher
  • Let the child become the (pretend) chef for the day
  • The best part of pretend playing is that you could use it in almost any situation. So make the most of it.

Maybe towards the end of the day, spend a few minutes reflecting on what stood out for you – valuable insights guaranteed!

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