Gratitude is contagious!

When was the last time we used the term – Thank you? Pretty sure we use it very often. The Ola driver, at the supermarket, or some colleague at work.

We are also very grateful to the nation’s unsung heroes who protect our boundaries, farmers, doctors etc.

A lot of people are working relentlessly to make sure we are safe, protected, and taken care of. It is almost a subconscious response to express gratitude to people we don’t know directly but we know are ensuring our safety and well-being in some way or the other.

But, when was the last time we were thankful to the unsung heroes of our homes? Here’s what we can do today:

  • Gather your family around.
  • Talk about the unsung heroes of your family. It could be your parents, spouse, children, your house help, or your watchman.
  • Identify how you could express your gratitude towards them – come up with creative ways of doing this – from creating a card to cooking them a meal to doing some of their work for a day.
  • Put it in action – as a family

Once you are done, do chat about how it feels to be grateful and show gratitude through your actions!

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