Children as leaders!

As schools, families, and clubs gather to celebrate children’s day, it is an opportunity to quietly observe the little humans showcasing a great zeal of enthusiasm, constancy, and clarity in everything they do. Apart from allowing children to be, it is vital to unlearn the idea of treating children as ‘just kids’ and denying every meaningful action they engage in. It is time to acknowledge and openly accept the lessons they bring to us, as adults.

0 to 6 years, the time we might assume children are just walking, talking, lurking around with nappies or barely understanding the world, we are precisely wrong. These 6 years lay the foundation towards turning into emotionally, socially, and physically aware and capable individuals.

Seeing things as big wonders, adaptation, boundless imagination, rapid information processing skills, sharp memorization, independence, empathy, and limitless love with no strings attached, are a few of the characteristics that every child possesses. The stakeholders have the capacity to empower them.
We decided to turn the tables and identified our children as leaders too! Of all the capacities, children exhibit amazing natural leadership characteristics that leaders of today can imbibe. Here are quick five for you!

1. Children and Observations
“A child, more than anyone else, is a spontaneous observer of nature.”- Maria Montessori
Children view everything that exists around them as an absolute wonder. Their approach towards every task, thing, place, or person is openness. Minuscules of every element are closely observed which builds clarity, followed by pure questions reflecting curiosity. These abilities are vital to performing leadership roles. The intent to observe the movements, actions, and activities is genuine and sincere. Their ability to notice and remember details is a powerful leadership aspect to understanding the surroundings and making sense of the world around them.
Tips for leaders: Observing without preconceived notions and biased opinions will foster growth.

2. Children and Adaptation
“The child is a creator of man, certainly with regard to his adaptation to the environment.”- Maria Montessori

It is a mammoth task to be born in a world without weapons or survival tools. It is an ardent task to sharpen abilities with whatever arena one is bestowed upon. Children are open to changes, and their ability to adapt is strikingly powerful. Along with being adaptive, they tend to have the willingness to know more about the new environments they have been planted into. In leadership, adaptation to change is strenuous, which is followed by a need to be flexible, alter egos, manage pressures and reinvent the wheel, and face fears. Children perform the same role by being observant, questioning, by creating a plan of action. They start simply by showing readiness.
Tips for leaders: In order to adapt, and demonstrate readiness to change, design a plan of action. Change is necessary, and adaptation is the solution.

3. Children and Forgiveness
“I believe that children are by nature, very forgiving. I don’t think children expect their parents to be perfect. I think they demand that their parents be real.”- Beth Moore

Children, forgive and forget. Mostly, because they never create an image of a thing, person, or place nor carry the baggage of past experiences that pay no heed. One of the biggest leadership qualities one can imbibe from children is the ability to be situation specific. Viewing situations as information and cues, objectively analyzing the situation, and picking up necessary details from the pleasant and unpleasant situations, only is a progressive behavior.
Tips for leaders: An ability to pick what is objective, leave what is subjective, forget about the things which are beyond control, forgive and start afresh. 

4. Children and Thinking
“Children see magic because they look for it.”- Christopher Moore

One of the best ideas, theories, and philosophies could actually come from children. One might have numerous ‘jaw-dropping’ moments when it comes to the divergent thinking capacity of children. As they view things with newness for every attempt, their ideas are original rather than silly, doable, and creative. They have an immense ability to come up with quick, straight solutions without complexity which we as adults fail to view with simplicity. One of the best leadership qualities is the ability to skillfully resolve situations, issues, and conflicts. It involves critical thinking and resolving scenarios from complex to simple. Children could equip us to slow down, revisit the basics and begin to think critically, stepwise.
Tips for leaders: Have you ever wondered how do children face their first day of school? By thinking of ways to calm themselves and pick the best from whatever is available.

5. Children and Sociability
“Children are the living messages we send to a time we will not see.”- John F. Kennedy

The ability to accept people as original entities, try to grasp cues, offering unconditional support and love are beautiful characteristics that separate children from full-grown adults with reservations and thoughts without adulterations. Children function with togetherness yet have a balanced approach towards maintaining their identity of ‘self’. Altruism, sincerity in every relationship, pure empathy, and appropriate sympathy are consistently present. They demonstrate straightforwardness with deep clarity, and firmness in a socially acceptable way. This is a tricky yet pivot leadership quality. As leaders have to continuously make hard decisions in critical situations. 
Tips for leaders: Never shy away from your intent and purpose if it is built with sincerity and great conviction. 

Although it all seems perfect, being a ‘child’ is not an easy job. They sharpen and build their tools, on their own till they understand the world in their own words. We, as people, have a greater role to play to empower them as individuals and provide a safe and secure dwelling place.

We, at AMIGA, believe in children as little scientists in the crib, who have abilities beyond. We believe in nurturing and opportunities for our little ones for a one-of-a-kind world future!

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