Blind Artist

Whether it’s playtime or or doing chores at home, teamwork is a big part of life. And mastering the art of being a team player will help children succeed throughout their lives.

So why is this so essential?

From a young age, children need to learn how to give and take, share, take turns, play to their strengths, and draw in other people to fill the gaps. Learning to work as part of a team will help your child hone many social skills, such as patience, empathy, communication, respect for others, compromise and tolerance. It also helps them develop confidence in themselves and trust in other people.

What can be a better place for children to learn these skills than at home?

So here is what we can do for today:

  • This has to be played in pairs.
  • The pair sits back to back and can’t see each other.
  • One person thinks of an object in his mind. (You can also have a simple drawing ready beforehand). The other person has a pen and paper ready.
  • The first person starts giving instructions to the other person, without revealing what the object in mind is.
  • The other person needs to draw it as per the instructions. If you want to spice up the game, you can put a variety of conditions to it.
  • For example: first round – no asking questions, Second round – can ask questions but must draw with your non writing hand. Third round – use regular hand and can ask questions etc.

Aren’t you curious about the results? The drawings may turn out all funny, but did everyone also learn a few things?

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