A.M.A or Ask me anything!

The sillier the questions, the more the laughter. Do you know what’s the best part of a random AMA session? It helps people connect with each other – a trait that is losing its value in today’s fast-paced world.

AMA sessions are so simple that they can be conducted anytime during the day. The material needed is only a softball. If you don’t have one then get creative and make one.

Here’s how you do it :

  • Gather around along with your family.
  • Throw the ball at random to any member.
  • Whoever gets the ball will have to respond to the question that is asked to them.
  • Some wacky questions to help you:
    • -If you could have any superpower, what would it be? –
    • If you had three wishes, what would they be? –
    • What is the craziest thing you would like to do one day?

Get creative with your questions to make this game more exciting and engaging. Beware: This game is extremely addictive. Trust us. There is no end to this game. Let your questions run wild! Recommended dose: at least once a day!

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