Self-Doubt Sharing Circle

Self-Doubt Sharing Circle” is an easy and caring game for families. It helps talk about self-doubt, share experiences, and support one another. The game encourages open talks about personal struggles in a kind and safe setting.

Materials Needed:

  • Paper and pen (optional)
  • A timer (you can use a phone)
  • An object like a small toy

How to play:

  1. Setup: Sit in a circle where everyone can talk comfortably. Put the object in the middle.
  2. Rules:

    • Take turns being the “Speaker” and “Listeners.”
    • Play in rounds, each focusing on a self-doubt topic.

  3. Rounds: Round 1: “Share a Doubt”
    • The Speaker picks the object.
    • Share a past time when you felt unsure. It can be about school, work, or personal goals.
    • Talk for 2-3 minutes.

    Round 2: “Give Support”

    • After the Speaker talks, each Listener gives kind words or shares similar experiences.
    • This helps everyone understand and care for each other.

    Round 3: “Good Things”

    • The Speaker talks about a good thing they’re good at, even if they doubt it.
    • Listeners take turns saying nice things about that trait.

    Round 4: “Future Goals”

    • The Speaker talks about something they want to do but doubt they can.
    • Listeners show they believe in the Speaker and offer ideas to help.

  4. Rotate Roles: After each round, switch roles. The Speaker becomes a Listener and the next person talks.
  5. Optional: Write down doubts, good things, and goals on paper without names. Read them aloud for deeper sharing.
  6. Chat: After all rounds, talk about self-doubt, how it affects us, and ways to feel better as a family.

Have fun!

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