The Motivation Jar

“The Motivation Jar” is a delightful family activity designed to bring the whole family together on a journey of encouragement and positive growth.

Materials Needed:

  • A large jar or container
  • Colorful paper or sticky notes
  • Markers or pens
  • Stickers or small decorative items (optional)

How to play?

  1. Family Meeting: Gather the family together for a special family meeting. Sit down in a cozy and welcoming setting where everyone can participate.
  2. Discuss Positive Behaviors: Start the conversation by discussing positive behaviors that you’d like to encourage within the family. These could be acts of kindness, completing chores, helping others, or any other positive habits you wish to foster.
  3. Write Down the Behaviors: On colorful paper or sticky notes, have each family member write down one or more positive behaviors they would like to work on or see in others. Encourage creativity and use different colors and designs for each note.
  4. Decorate the Jar (Optional): If desired, decorate the jar together with stickers, drawings, or anything that reflects the family’s unique personality.
  5. Place Notes in the Jar: Once all the positive behaviors are written, fold the notes and place them inside the jar. The jar now becomes the “Motivation Jar.”
  6. Set Reward Ideas: As a family, brainstorm and decide on small rewards or treats that can be earned by family members for displaying positive behaviors. Rewards could include a favorite snack, a special family activity, or extra screen time.
  7. Earn Rewards: Whenever a family member demonstrates a positive behavior, they can earn a reward by picking a note from the “Motivation Jar.” This creates a sense of excitement and accomplishment.
  8. Celebrate Together: As each family member earns rewards, celebrate their achievements together as a family. Commend their efforts and encourage one another to continue embracing positive behaviors.
  9. Keep the Momentum: To keep the activity engaging, encourage family members to continue adding new positive behaviors to the “Motivation Jar” regularly. This ensures that the motivation to cultivate good habits remains strong.
  10. Share Gratitude: As a final touch, take turns sharing what you are grateful for in each other. Expressing gratitude reinforces positive feelings and strengthens family bonds.


  • Ensure that the rewards are small and meaningful, encouraging positive behaviors without overshadowing the intrinsic joy of the activity.
  • Use the “Motivation Jar” as a tool to reinforce the values of kindness, empathy, and appreciation within the family.
  • Make the activity inclusive by allowing everyone to take turns drawing from the jar, regardless of whether they have earned a reward or not. This way, the focus remains on fostering positive habits for the whole family.

“The Motivation Jar” is not only a fun and interactive family activity but also a meaningful way to encourage positive behaviors and create lasting memories of love and support within the family.

Have fun building memories!

Happy Parenting!

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